Online Management Training

About These Courses

Statistically, a very poorly trained salesperson will still get way more training than a manager...Many were trained through experience by others who didn't get management core skill training either. JVTN® will fix that. We cover all those core management skills for dealers and managers, including: selling skills to coach their salespeople, managing their salespeople, hiring / interviewing skills, tracking skills, daily training skills, and developing a motivated team who wants to win! Here is the rundown of skills, processes and tools we offer dealers and managers to grow your dealership...

Course Outline

‘Fast Start’ To Growth
  1. Let’s Get Ready To Grow!
  2. What Changed About Selling Today?
  3. Are You Market Driven Or Management Driven?
  4. Price Matters – It’s Just Not Most Important!
  5. What Were We All Taught To Focus On?
  6. Can You Name Your Best Prospects Today?
  7. Three Groups – Three Key Responsibilities
  8. Good Gross Vs. Bad Gross – Why It Matters Today
  9. What’s Your Potential On Incoming Sales Calls?
  10. What’s Your Potential With Prospecting?
  11. What’s Your Potential With Unsold Follow Up?
  12. Critical Stats That Matter NOW!
  13. What’s Your Potential With The Basics And Closing?
  14. What Is Management’s Key Role In Your Dealership?
  15. You Set The Rules With Processes & Procedures!
  16. Tracking To Train – The Easy Way To Improve!
  17. Setting Clear Goals For Recovery & Growth
  18. Let’s Motivate – Not Demotivate Your Salespeople!
  19. Daily Training & Coaching Your Team
  20. Managing Your Salespeople & Their Activities
  21. Step 1 – Putting Your Recovery Team Together!
  22. Survival – Four Basic Steps To Take Now!
  23. Your Daily Dozen Steps To Recovery & Growth
  24. Something Important You May Have Overlooked…
‘Fast Start’ For Managers
  1. Welcome From Joe
  2. Introduction
  3. How Are You Doing Now?
  4. How To Double Your Net
  5. The Secret: How To Get Salespeople To ‘Work’
  6. How To Keep Salespeople Motivated
  7. Gross: New Vs. Used
  8. 3 Easy Ways To Raise Sales
  9. Why Do Managers Get Stuck?
  10. What’s Your Real Job?
  11. If Prospects ‘Buy’ – What Are We Supposed To Do?
  12. Why It’s So Easy To Sell Cars Today
  13. Closing On Price Or Budget – Which Is Best For Gross
  14. Why Shouldn’t You Talk Price First?
  15. They Buy Quick – So We Have To Follow Up Fast!
  16. What’s Up With Today’s Buyers?
  17. How Much Gross Do Salespeople Give Up?
  18. Why Color & Options Don’t Cost You Sales
  19. Do You Want Higher Gross?
  20. Common Sense Usually Isn’t So Common
  21. The Math Says It All: Follow Up = More Sales!
  22. Just How Serious Are Inbound Sales Callers?
  23. What’s It Really Worth To Prospect?
  24. 25 Quick Answers That Matter
  25. The Big Math: Opportunity, Denial or Heartbreak?
  26. A Final Thought From Joe
“Manager's” Corner
  1. Any Quick Tips To Improve Sales?
  2. Aren’t “Commitments” Kind Of Old School?
  3. What Are Customers Really Buying Today?
  4. How Can We Work With Price Questions?
  5. Describe An Effective Sales Force?
  6. Give Me The Short Job Descriptions We Need
  7. Why Do We Need To ‘Rephrase’ Price?
  8. Any Tips On Daily Prospecting?
  9. What’s The Goal In Our 1x1s With Salespeople?
  10. Give Me Some Tips On Holding Better Training
  11. Describe An Effective Salesperson’s Workday
  12. My Guys Smoke – How Do I Deal With It?
  13. When Is the Best Time to Close?
  14. Are Used Car Buyers Good Service Prospects?
  15. Why Do We Always Seem To Miss Our Goals?
  16. Who Should We Blame?
  17. Do Shortcuts Always Cost Us Sales Or Gross?
  18. How Can We Sell What’s In Stock Instead Of Locating?
  19. Where’s The Money Trail Lead?
  20. What Do You Mean By “Steady Growth”?
  21. What Do You Mean: Pay Now or Pay Later?
  22. What’s It Really Cost To Get A Customer?
  23. Is There An Easy Way To Grow?
  24. Can’t We All Just Get Along?
  25. What’s Their Real Job?
  26. Can ‘One Size Fits All’ For Presentations?
  27. We Thought We Tracked Accurately – Any Tips?
  28. Give Me A Tip On An Effective Sales “Tool”?
  29. Don’t Lower Prices = More Value For The Customer
  30. What Actions Speak Louder Than Words?
  31. What’s The Real Math On Sales Vs. Lost Sales?
  32. You Refer To “Family” Lead Generation – Explain?
  33. Where’s An Easy Place To Prospect?
  34. Isn’t SHAC A Basketball Player?
  35. Why Is “Welcome” So Important?
  36. How Does Complacency Kill Sales So Quickly?
  37. Any Tips On Management Time Savers?
  38. If You Find Something That Works, Duplicate It!
  39. Who Is Our Real Competition?
  40. How To Work Better With Women Buyers
  41. ow Can We Keep The Ball Rolling?
  42. What Is ‘Lead Management’?
  43. How Can We Trade-In “Ups” for Repeat Customers?
  44. What Are ‘Action’ Closes?
  45. Why Is The Right ‘Uniform’ Critical In Sales?
  46. Why Doesn’t Price Matter?
  47. How Does The Average Salesperson ‘Score’ In Selling?
  48. What Do You Mean “Sell On Your Feet”?
  49. What’s Our Potential?
  50. What Can Our Service Advisers Do To Sell More?
  51. What’s A ‘Kitchen Table Budget’?
  52. How Can We Improve Our Closing Ratio?
  53. How Can We ‘Double Net’ With No New Expenses?
  54. When Should We Just ‘Get Out Of Salespeople’s Way’?
  55. Why Do You Say “It’s Almost Never About The Price”?
  56. What If You Don’t Have The Right Vehicle For Them?
  57. What Do You Mean ‘Closing Is A Process’?
  58. Why Does It Have To Be ‘Anchors Away’?
  59. Rocket Science: To Sell More – Just Help Them Buy
  60. Driving The Vehicle – That’s The Secret
  61. I Saw This In Your Newsletter – What Does “ABC” Mean?
  62. How Do You Use ‘Yes’ Questions?
  63. Which Is Best In Sales: Asking or Telling?
  64. Why Should You Close On Value First?
  65. Do Most Managers Motivate Or Demotivate?
  66. What Does “Slow Kills Negotiations” Really Mean?
  67. How Soon Do Customers Buy?
  68. How Can Every Sale Be A Potential 36-Car Account?
  69. What Percent Of People Shop Our Price If We Give Them One?
  70. Which Type Of Traffic Is Best?
  71. Is Doubling Your Net Actually Possible?
  72. What Can We Do To Get A 15% Increase?
  73. Any Tips On Goal Setting?
  74. How Do You Implement ‘The’ System?
  75. How Can I Improve My Average 10-Car Guy?
  76. How Should We Manage Our ‘Sold’ Accounts?
  77. What’s The Difference: Market Vs. Management?
  78. New Vehicles – Used Vehicles – Which Is Better?
  79. You Said “Change Price To Budget” To Sell More – How?
  80. How Can We Retain More Gross Profit?
  81. Which First Ten Words Make Or Break Most Sales?
  82. I Sold Lots Of Cars Without One – How Important Is A Demo?
  83. What Does It Really Cost Us To Buy A “Sale”?
  84. When Should Salespeople Use Their Evidence Manual?
  85. Why Should I Help My Salespeople Make More Money?
Plan Your Month
  1. Forecasting And Planning For This Month
  2. Goals For This Month
  3. Training Plans For This Month
  4. Problems To Eliminate This Month
  5. Meeting Notes
  6. End Of Month Review
  7. Levels Summary And Working Deals Checklist

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jvtn® customer testimonials

See what some of our customers have to say about jvtn®
“$156,000 my first year selling cars!”

Joe, it’s been one year since I stepped off the oil fields and into the car business. Thank you and thanks to my store for believing in the value of your training. I focused on the Core 4 Selling Skills on JVTN® for the first 2 weeks of my training. I was relentless in my pursuit to get better and took over 100 chapters in that time frame, and I continue to train daily. If it wasn’t for JVTN® and your new basics selling process, I wouldn’t be able to continually sharpen my skills, increase my units, and my income. With JVTN® I went from 8 cars to 10 to 13 to 16 and then to my best month at 20 units after attending your closing and negotiation workshop. Joe, I was #5 in units in our group of 15 stores. I was #1 in gross and I doubled the gross of #2. You truly have taught me how to work smarter not harder, my customers love me, my deals are easier, and the sky is the limit!

- Brad Lehman - Salesperson, Fremont Motor, Riverton, Wyoming

Read More Results Like These

“Last year we were up 30% in new car sales, and 53% for used!”

Hello Joe, I just wanted to take a minute to say thanks for another Incredible Year. As a group, the Murray group believes in training 100% and last year we were up 30% in new car sales and our used car sales were up 53%. We send all of our managers to the managers and sales workshops and all salespeople to the sales workshops and most have been to the Closing and Negotiation workshop as well. Many of them have been multiple times. Why? Because it just plain works. You can never stop learning and you have to keep evolving if you want to stay ahead of the competition. The consistency of the message when going through your New Basics sales process is what everyone needs to stay on track and keep growing, and JVTN® provides that to myself and my team to always keep us fresh and always gives me new topics to train on. I recently attended your Train The Trainer workshop, and I’ve got to say it really got me out of my comfort zone and changed my perspective on what effective training really looks like. After that class, I now approach my meetings with a solid plan, and I understand that if I want to get them excited about any topic we cover, I need to tune in to their station (What’s In It For Them), and if my training doesn’t include the ‘how to’, it’s of no value to them. My meetings have gotten easier, they have been way more effective and the involvement during the meetings has gone up 10-fold. My salespeople are having more fun, closing more deals and making more money and most importantly – more and more of our customers are happy! Thanks again for providing everything a dealership needs to be a success in today’s ever-changing market!

- Tony Almeida - Sales Manager, Murray GM, Fort St. John, BC Canada

Read More Results Like These

“I doubled my gross and doubled my units!”

Joe, I have been in the car business for 4 years and your online training on JVTN® has been a career saver. Prior to having JVTN®, I was trained like most others; there’s the new car lot and there’s the used car lot. It was basically survival. I was selling 7 cars and not making a lot of money. After taking your courses on JVTN®, I’m selling 15 units and have increased my earnings substantially. Your 8-step sales process has made it so easy to be a success in the car business. Basically, it’s follow the process every single time and you will not fail. Thanks again, for doing the hard part, and figuring out a process that truly works.

- George Bacha - Salesperson, Davis-Moore Chevrolet, Wichita, Kansas

Read More Results Like These

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My Salespeople Can Play "Games" On JVTN®?

You'd normally say "no way" to salespeople playing games at work. But with JVTN®, you want your salespeople playing our training games so they practice on our virtual customers - instead of on your floor traffic.

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"I Don't Have Time To Baby-Sit Training."

We couldn't agree more, and that's why we developed the... JOE VERDE TRAINING WATCHDOG TEXT-ALERT SYSTEM. Now There Are Two Easy Steps To Training Accountability

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live training reports

Make Your Job Easier. Call (800) 445-6217

Our goal with JVTN®... Training Reports is to make your job managing training easy. Now you'll have up to the minute - complete live reports on every training chapter. Everything you need to know to manage your sales team's daily training.

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If you knew everything your salespeople did each day, could you have more control over their activities and results?

In less than 3 minutes per day of your manager's time, JVTN® will show you exactly the 'targeted training' each of your salespeople needs to improve.

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Let JVTN® Help Protect Your Dealership

JVTN® will do the heavy lifting for you if you'll just do one thing in these areas: Require your salespeople to complete a training series, and pass each one with a 90% or higher score.

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Learn more about the Joe Verde Training Network® to increase unit sales, raise your gross profit PVR, take new hires into high achievers and boost your CSI...Send a message below, call or email us today!